Wood Fired Gourmet Oven - Etna

The Etna wood fired gourmet oven is a perfect all rounder: it cooks anything and more that you can cook in your kitchen oven such as stew, roast, chicken, fish, bread, pizza, cake, you name it. Whether you want to turn a simple family meal into something special, surprise your guests with an extraordinary meal cooked in your wood fired oven, or throw a pizza party for the kids, your Etna gourmet oven does it all.

This wood fired oven is our best seller and with its charming looks it is a true jewel in any outdoor area. And with its ease of use it turns any cook into a Master Chef.

The 37cm double doors allow you to better control the wood fire and thus the temperature inside the oven for the different kinds of cooking. See the manual that comes with your oven. The double door features a hole that is designed to fit our rotisserie with motor for spit roasting (accessories). When not used the hole is covered by a metal flap. In the back wall of the dome there is a protrusion for the spit.

Etna Classic 100

Gourmet Ovens Etna


Etna Rustic 100

Gourmet Ovens Etna


Etna Pietra 100

Gourmet Ovens Etna


Etna 120

Gourmet Ovens Etna
